Showing posts with label Goals/Visions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Goals/Visions. Show all posts

Avoid These Words, They Make you Look Incompetent Even When They Are True

No matter how talented you are or what you've accomplished, there are certain phrases that instantly change the way people see you and can forever cast you in a negative light. 
These phrases are so loaded with negative implications that they undermine careers in short order.
These phrases carry special power: they have an uncanny ability to make you look bad even when the words are true.
How to Know a Good Friend

How to Know a Good Friend

We are often surrounded by what I call ‘acquaintances’ especially when we are doing just fine in our careers. Friends will always come around to share in the joy.  Even when there are misfortunes, some of them will still gather around you either to sympathize with you or to watch how affected you will be, but wait a bit, are they really friends?

Take for example what happens on the Social Network where you could have a huge friends’ list and seems to look popular but in reality that list might be a mirage because you might never enjoy the real benefit of friendship from such friends.  Some friend on the network only cares about the number of friends in their list than the relationship they have with those friends.  Although you may derive  some advantages from these, it can never be compared with what a true friend is all about.

The following are some of the criteria to help you determine who among your acquaintances is a good friend.

A True Friend is Trustworthy:  You should be able to confide in your friend and trust him with your secrets.  A 16 year old Ann said “my friend would always tell me her secrets and because of that I thought I could trust her with mine.  So one day, I told her that I had a crush on a boy; she went right out and told others about it.  I was devastated”.  Betrayal you may say, yes a good friend is not out there to draw words out of your mouth so as to make news out of it.  Beware of friends who discuss other people’s matter to you because they will also discuss your matter with other people.

A True Friend is Self Sacrificing:  In every relationship one must be stronger than the other.  A true friend recognizes when you are weak and steps out to bridge the gap.  Which of your friends has shown a sacrificing spirit?  “A true friend will keep seeking not his own advantage but that of the other person” 1 Corinthians 10:24.  I lost my mum when I was about to take my final paper in my final examination in the Higher School, it was my friend who wrote to the school authority appealing that the examination be postponed because that single paper would have made me to stay one extra year in the school, and her appeal was granted.  I was given extra one week to mourn my mother and the whole class came back to sit for that examination. You also should have such friends.

A True Friend Helps You to Become a Better Person:  Your true friends are those that can help you to reach your potentials.  Some friends will hide good things away from you and will always be on the rush to deliver bad news to you.  Do your friends see the potentials in you and encourage you to do your best.  Make friends with those wiser and higher than you so that you will learn from them.  “He that is walking with wise person will become wise but he that is having dealings with the foolish ones will fare badly” Proverbs 12:20.

Please note that for you to attract good friends, you also must be good because you will only reap what you sowed.  When you expect loyalty from your friends, you must also show loyalty to them.  It is also nice to know a lot of people but aim at quality and not quantity.  Good friendship is built on the foundation of common values.  This means that your friends should share your spiritual, moral and ethical convictions.

Also do not set high standards for your friends because you will end up being disappointed as no one is perfect, at the same time if your standard is too low, you will settle for anyone and this is not good either.  Be a true friend and you will have good friends.