Sometimes, I wonder why I cannot stay idle. My hands are always searching for something
to do and this attitude of mine has shown me that you can actually do anything
you want to do as long as you have the determination and courage.
I love wearing beads but I love to wear them simple. I don’t like bogus ones. I also like it to be unique not every ones
affair. So I need to do it myself using
my own style, but I need to learn the techniques and this I have to do without
breaking the bank.
My dream came true recently. I was coming back from the office,
last year November precisely. I came
across this flyer talking about training and empowerment being organized by one
of the NGO’s in Lagos, Nigeria. Immediately I got interested in this training and
decided to give it a try.
I quickly registered as if someone was pushing me. The fee was just a token and I chose to
undergo Bead Making and Wire Works. This is because it has been my passion.
The training lasted for 3 weeks and within that period, I
made more than 15 patterns and they also issued me a certificate of
You know what; the result was beyond my imagination so I decided
to share my works with you.
Lets I forget, these works are up for grabs.
To show my happiness and appreciation for a
task completed, I want to give them
away. With a little token to be decided
between me and you I will give it to you.
If you are interested, just get in touch with me through My Contact and these beautiful works will be yours.