How To Gain Your Children's Respect

Having an ideal and respectable family has its roots on the kind of life being led by the individuals that made up that family.  When you happen to come in contact with some families, you will wish to belong to them, at the same time some family’s set up will scare your life out and this can make someone not to think of having a family so as not to suffer the same fate.

Having a family is a good thing and when handled well, brings enjoyment and fulfillment. Many parents especially those that have young adults as children are always faced with the problem of their children not giving due respect to them, not adhering to instructions and not even taking their advice.
Here are some amazing things to do when you find yourself in this situation and if your children are still toddlers you are to begin to adopt these life styles in order to avoid being embarrassed by your children:

Give Respect to Yourself:  

If you want people to respect you including your children, you must first of all respect yourself.  Check your life style and see if you are qualified to be a role model who you already are?  How on earth can a lousy, wayward and uncouth parent earn the respect of his children?  When your children see you misbehave at home or in the public i.e. get drunk, steal, do drugs, 419, womanize/flirt and do all sorts of evil things, you are sending a very bad signal to them and they can never trust and respect you.  They will know you have nothing good to offer them.  Only a bad child will love that kind of parent, the good ones will rather look outside for a role model whom they can trust and respect.
Keep Your Promises Whether Good or Bad:  

Whenever you make a promise to your children, make sure you fulfill it as a matter of policy.  This will enable them trust your sincerity and have confidence in you.  Little promises made here and there that you do not fulfill, will get to an extent that they will loose confidence in your promises.  Do not promise your child anything if you are not sure of fulfilling it.  As you know they look up to you as their second God and if you keep on disappointing them, they will loose not only their confidence but their respect for you.

Do What You Say:  

The rules you put down must be implemented properly with visible good examples from you.  You scold your child for coming late from school while you come back home 10 pm or 11 pm from the work you closed by 5 pm without any good reason or explanation. You will find out that they will not take your rule of coming home early serious; you will find yourself shouting and screaming all day with no one listening to you.  Lead by example and watch your children respect your words and obey your rules.

Respect Their Personality At Home And In Public:  

Shouting, yelling and even beating your children in public is not the best and you should avoid it.  Imagine how embarrassed and intimidated your 14 year old son who is playing with his friends and you suddenly rush to him shouting and flogging him because he did not do his chores.  Imagine how inferior he will feel for bringing him down before his peers. Don’t you think it should have been better having a dialog with him, telling him how he has been disappointing you by not doing what he supposes to do.  He will certainly feel remorse unless he is a bad child. 

The fact that you gave birth to your children does not mean they have no right of their own to protect.  They are human beings and should be treated with respect.  For you to get the best out of your children, respect their opinion no matter how silly it may sound.  When you honour them, they will honour you too.  Show appreciation to them when they do a little favour to you and they will learn how to show appreciation even to other people.  In this way, you will build a family that others will look up to.