Negligible Things That Can Destroy Your Marriage

Every married person is aware that it takes even more than hard work to build a strong and happy marriage. At the beginning, we were made to believe that marriage is a bed of roses but as we move ahead in our relationships, we come to the knowledge that you need to put your best to make your marriage work.

There is also this false belief that only big misdeeds like: infidelity, money, addiction, adultery etc can wreck a marriage.  Often times, you realize that the foundation of once solid relationship has been quietly destroyed by little and negligible things without you even realizing it.  
Some of the canker-worms to watch out for are:

Not Showing Appreciation. 

Saying ‘Thank you’ to every little favor done to a partner is a great way to show appreciation to that partner.  This little word of appreciation goes a long way to boost ones morale which may spur him into more actions: By thanking a partner, you are saying: “I see you, I acknowledge you.” Likewise, he should be thanking you, too. Otherwise there’s a tendency to start playing the ‘who did more’ game, which quickly leads to resentment. The more grateful you are, the more likely you build a strong relationship. Trust me.

Not Taking Care of Your Appearance. 

It may be very difficult controlling your weight after giving birth to babies, however,  following some healthy eating habits will help.  But letting yourself go out of shape is a sure-fire way to send you partner looking elsewhere. When you met, you were 26 with great body shapes but after three kids or twenty years later you are out of shape and don’t really care about it. I know things cannot be the same, I get it; life changes, but looking after your own appearance means you feel good about yourself which in turn, means your partner feel good about you too. The hard truth is that you must fight to keep in shape. You cared about your appearance before and that was why you were attracted to your partner in the first place, so why not now? Becoming lazy after you are hooked with a partner is never pleasant to any partner.

Caring More about Your Own Side of the Family

Being married does not mean you are no longer a member of your family, but when you give one hundred percent of your attention to your people and play ‘I don’t care’ to your spouse’s family interests, you’re slowly poisoning your relationship. As soon as you are married, you belong to both families and you must try to show enough and equal interest in the affairs of both families.

Spending More Time on the Phone and Internet 

Well, we all are guilty of this, we eat from the internet, we also derive joy from it but there is still time for everything.  You and your spouse need time to stay together and talk things out; you need time together to nurture your union.  You need the attention of each other and nothing must come in between that but when a partner uses these times to surf the internet and play games with the phone, the marriage suffers.