Lack of Appetite In Children - How To Make Sure They Are Eating Enough

All over the world, mothers have always been faced with the problem of some of their kids not being able to eat well.  You will agree with me that it does not give joy to any mother seeing her child rejecting food while others are eating.  She will definitely look for ways of getting that child eat.

So many mothers in our part of the world especially those that are not literate have devised some crude and fearful ways of making sure that their child eats, some have gone to the extent of force feeding their babies i.e. they hold the baby down with their two legs, close the nostrils and pour the food into the mouth. When they blow the air into the mouth of the baby, the baby swallows the food forcefully gasping for air.  This crude method has killed so many children, turning the mother who has a good intention of making sure that her baby eats into a murderer.

It is important to note that not all lack of appetite in children is actually a problem.  This is because certain conditions can make a child not able to eat well.  For example a child who eats in between meals, not having a choice meal, it can be a sign of disorder e.g. soar throat and a child who by nature does not eat much.  

It can only be a problem when the child is loosing weight and is actually sick.  In this situation, you should seek the help of a Pediatrician.

But before you spend your money or seek this help, you need to explore some good ways of making your child to eat more and if these methods did not work, you can go ahead and seek for help:

Give Your Child Her Preferred Meals: Every individual have some meals he prefers to eat, this also applies to the children.  You should introduce several varieties of food to your child and take note of those ones he has shown interest on.  When the child looses appetite, it is only those meals he has shown interest on that you should stick to.  This will definitely help him to eat more.

Allow Him To Be Hungry:  When a child refuses to eat, you should not try to make him eat by all means by giving him different types of food at the same time. Giving your child food when he is not hungry will make him not to eat well, and you may think he has lost appetite at that point in time.  Leave him for about four hours so as to actually get hungry; you will be surprised that he will be the one looking for food. 

Avoid too many choices:  Instead of asking him what he wants for launch, ask him to choose between two meals e.g. you can ask him to choose between rice with stew and yam with egg stew.  Leaving a child with so many choices of food will get him confused and at the end not being able to eat.

Dish your child’s food in small quantities:  This is very important; mere seeing a large quantity of food in the plate will make some children loose appetite immediately.  Some will go ahead and throw up. Dishing a little quantity of food in a plate at a time will attract him to eat and when he finishes it and request for more, you will give.  It is better that way.

Let them be active:  Experience has shown that active children eats more and grow healthier than children who are kept inside the house without actively engaging in any physical activities.  No matter how wealthy you may be, allow your children to play with other children when they are free from school work. If you do not want them to go to other children’s houses, encourage them to bring those they want to play with in your house.  This will make them burn their energy and they will eat more food.

Discourage Them From Distractions:  There are some distractions that will not allow some children to eat well.  Children who play games and watch a lot of cartoons may not want to leave it for food.  It is advisable that during meal times, you should not allow such children to watch television.  They will definitely choose their game and end up not eating well.

I hope you have enjoyed my contributions and believe that if you have this kind of problem with your child, these few methods will help a great deal.