Little Crimes Babies/Children Commit and Why You Should Not Ignore Them.

Do you know that as little as these children are and as innocent as they may look, they still commit some little crimes?  Also note that child delinquent starts as early as a child is born.  Although these attitudes can be a sign of cognitive progress, paying no attention to them can also have overwhelming effect on their lives in the long run.  The reason is that, while some children may get over these attitudes as they mature, others use them to form more negative behaviour as they become adults.
Some of these behaviors are:

Bites:  This starts as early as 5 months and they begin by biting the breasts of their mothers as they suck.  I have seen a mother who refused breastfeeding her baby because of these bites.  By the time you notice that your baby enjoys your groaning after biting you, do all you can to stop him from biting you. Removing the breast from his mouth and a little pinch on the mouth is okay.  Allow him to cry before coddling.   Ignoring this behaviour will make some children have the habit of biting other children in future and you know what that means.

Abusive:  From age 1-3 when a child begins to learn how to speak, he usually learns abusive languages first.  Some will use their hands, mouth, tongue and face to make abusive signs. They use these languages and signs as a means of defending themselves when they feel offended but then, we need to discourage them so that they will not turn into a torn on our flesh in the future. Children, who indulge in these kinds of behaviour, eventually turn out to be spoilt children.  

Slaps:  Some toddlers usually slap adults when they are lifted up or played with.  As much as this may be a way of showing happiness, allowing that is also encouraging bad behaviour, I am sure you will be embarrassed if your child slaps your visitor.  This is the reason why you must stop this attitude fast.  

Lies:  This is very common among children between the ages of 3-11.  At this age, they tell you things that aren't true.  My eight year old boy who wanted to sleep on my bed told me that he dreamt about toad and that he is seeing toads all over his bed.  I believed him and allowed him to sleep with us but with a little pressure from his Daddy, he confessed that he only wanted to sleep with us.  Because he lied, he was asked to go back to his bed.  Always punish every lie accordingly no matter how small.

Parents and guardians also teach children how to lie by telling lies themselves in the presence of the children or asking them to lie on their behalf. ‘Tell the visitor I am not at home’ while you are right there on your bed is a way of encouraging children to lie.  If it is inevitable for you to lie, try and explain to your child the reason why you lied and do not forget to tell them how sorry you are about it.  Allowing your children to lie will make them untrustworthy and unreliable adults.

Stealing/cheating:  This sets up right from pre-primary school age.  It starts from taking pencils and crayons that does not belong to them to stealing coins from mummy’s bag, meat from pot and they graduate into colleges where they steal everything that belongs to their school mates i.e. Books, money, school bags, socks, everything they lay their hands on.   You will take care of this by talking to them on the dangers of bad behaviour, let them know what happens to those that steals. 

Children who cheat during examination period by copying from textbooks and notebooks and those who elongate their necks to copy their mates are lazy children who find it difficult to read, they prefer short cuts than subjecting themselves to read.  Some of these children who may not overcome this character will in the long run use shortcuts to solve the problems of life by engaging in dubious activities to make ends meet.

Make every effort to discourage your children from bad behaviour no matter how small they may be. This will save your child from the dangers of being a bad child and save you the agony of having a bad child.  Inculcate in them the virtues of uprightness, trustworthy and hard work, pay attention to every little crime you notice and work hard to stop it – our world will be better.