Tips to Stop Siblings' Quarell

It has been a long time reaching you through this blog.  Yes, I know you will wonder what has happened.  There is nothing more than that I have been busy working on my Book Blog.  Just take a look,  I am now fully back and will continue to give you tips on raising  good family units where responsible and future leaders will emerge. 

Okay!  Let’s face our topic for today.

At a time, it happens that each time my three kids are together, the whole house will be on fire. There is always something to fight for and this gets me real upset. 

The oldest one bullies the younger ones and the younger ones seem not to know their limits.  The worst culprit is the youngest of them all.  He puts a challenge to everything and then turns back to shout very loud and make everywhere uncomfortable.

I approached those whom I think should know better and they said when they grow older, they will stop.  While it is true that maturity will play a positive role in their relationships, can I continue to endure this heart rending squabbles till God knows when and watch them wreck their relationship?  No I need to find ways of stopping these before it gets out of hands.  So I started trying many ways to help myself and the kinds out of this mess.

Do you know what?  My tricks are working and right now I enjoy some reasonable peace in the house and I am happy to share this tips with you.

Take the Lead – Work on Yourself

I noticed that when you yell and curse your kids at every provocation, you are training them on how to curse and yell at each other.  They will use that same voice and manner you handle issues to treat one another.  This is a practical fact because as I always say, parents are role models. Your children copy everything you do as they believe that after all “you know it all”.

If you need a peaceful home start working on your emotions, start changing your style of training.  Do more counseling than yelling and cursing.  I know it is hard to ignore their troubles but you need to do that because you are in a process of molding characters. 

Instead of yelling or cursing that child, remain calm, when you are sure you have calmed down, call the child and let him know you are disappointed in his character.  Mark my words you are helping them to build a better relationship where issues are solved with dialogue.

Don’t Take Sides

As a mediator, you are not supposed to be on anybody’s side.  Be on the neutral side and judge the matter the way you see it without minding whose horse is gored.  I laugh at a parent who takes side with a child because you have a soft spot for such a child.  Do you know what you have done?  You have succeeded in dividing your family, you have planted the seed of hatred among your children and do you know who will suffer the consequence? Of course YOU.

Make it abundantly clear to your children that you love them equally and show it to them by all your judgments. 

Create Room for Genuine Apologies and or Replacement

Genuine apology is the one that comes out of a repentant heart.  Forcing a child to render an apology when he is annoyed and not convinced that he is guilty will not solve any problem.  I am saying that you need to allow the offender realize his fault first and then render a genuine apology to his sibling.

In the case of older children, if the cause of the quarrel happens to be a malicious damage to a sibling’s property and the owner insists on having a replacement, make the offender work to replace such property. You can help him by offering him a job in the house such as cutting of the lawns, laundry or any other job you would have paid somebody to do for you.  Pay him for the job so that he will use the money to replace what he has damaged. 

On the other hand, the offender could pay with his school allowance to feel the pain.  The bottom line is to make the offender be responsible for his actions. 

Support Your Strategies with Prayers

Do you believe in the efficacy of prayers?  Then you have the choice of having the type of children you want to have.  People will always say everything must not be linked to religion but in this case, prayer works.  Tell it to God in prayers the type of home you want to establish, the type of children you want to have, believe me you will be surprised how things will turn around for good.  Even the hottest head in the house will be the one who mediates and settle fights.

All these strategies are producing amazing results and the kids are now bond together and have formed a formidable squad that even I cannot break.  Even though they play games with my phone, use my laptop to do assignments and no one reports anymore, I am happy with the result so far.

As a parent or guardian are you facing or have you been faced with such a situation, how did you handle yours?  Please use the comment box below to share with us.